DESCRIPTION: The L-L and L-N terminal voltage is lower than 1.3pu during LROV test for CPS SCA50KTL-DO/US-480 and CPSSCA60KTL-DO/US-480. The duration above 1.3pu is 0.0ms. The test conditions are based on the following:o DC Input Voltage 735Vdc (nominal)o AC Input Voltage 480Vac-rms (nominal)o Data Sample Rate 25 kHzo The inverter is tested at different output power and load combinations based on the requirement ofHECO and NREL.o Test was performed 5 times and the maximum observed values presented for L-L and L-N connectionsto the AC Power Source based on the requirement of HECO Rule 14 and NREL document.o DSP Firmware Version is 5.00 and greater for CPS SCA50KTL-DO/US-480 and CPS SCA60KTL-DO/US480.